This document is aimed to be a guide to start using OpenNebula 2.0. Therefore, if you need more information about any particular OpenNebula aspect that it is not addressed here, please refer to the official documentation located in (
If you are a user that is only interested in test OpenNebula with some pre-configured VM, you can use this guide (
ALL users have to add the following lines to their $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.profile file.
export ONE_AUTH=$HOME/.one/one_ssh
In this section we are going to explain how to create a KVM image and how to contextualize for OpenNebula.
This process is generic and it is not related with OpenNebula directly. Therefore, this image can be deploy in any machine with KVM and could be used to create a VM image for any IaaS framework. The first step is install KVM.
sudo apt-get install qemu kvm
sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin
RHEL or CentOS
sudo yum install kvm virt-manager
Be sure that the virtualization features of your machine are enabled in the BIOS. If they are, you should be able to load the KVM modules
sudo modprobe kvm-intel
sudo modprobe kvm-amd
Now, we need to download the ISO that we are going to install in the VM, in this case Ubuntu iso. You can do it from
Every VM need a disk to be used as a virtual hard drive (1GB is enough for Ubuntu server). Thus, to create this we use the next command:
qemu-img create machine_name.img -f raw 1G
After this, we are prepared to boot the VM and install the OS.
kvm -m 512 -cdrom /home/user/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso -boot d machine_name.img
This command will start the VM and you can install the OS as in a normal PC. When you install the OS in the VM you can boot it using this command:
kvm -no-acpi -m 512 machine_name.img
There are two contextualization mechanisms available in OpenNebula: the automatic IP assignment, and a more generic way to give any file and configuration parameters. You can use any of them individually, or both. Nevertheless, we need to prepare the VM image to use this mechanism (
First, download the file in your machine. This file depend of your linux distribution.
In this address you can find the vmcontext for each supported distribution. CentOS
wget -O
wget -O
Copy this file to the VM. To do that you can configure a network interface in the VM and send the file using ssh. For example if your machine has the private IP, you could assign to the VM the So, execute this command in the VM:
sudo ifconfig eht0
From your machine execute this command to send the file to your VM:
In the VM copy the file to the /etc/init.d directory:
sudo cp /etc/init.d
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/
Configure init.d to execute the script during the VM startup Centos
sudo chkconfig --add
ln /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc2.d/
Add at the end of this file (this may not be needed):
ifup -a
/etc/init.d/networking restart #(in ubuntu)
/etc/init.d/network restart #(in centos)
Remove the udev persistent files (ubuntu only)
sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules
sudo rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/z45_persistent-net-generator.rules
With all these steps we have configured the automatic IP assignment in the VM. Now, we need to enable the generic contextualization by copying these lines to /etc/rc.local.
mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt #(in ubuntu)
mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt #(in centos. Actually this depend on the initrd that you uses. If you use the one provided by Ubuntu then you use the previous line instead of this one)
if [ -f /mnt/ ]; then
. /mnt/
umount /mnt
exit 0
The file is different for each distribution and you can find them in the OpenNebula repository. You do not need to include it in the VM because it is included automatically by OpenNebula when you require it in the VM template.
A Virtual Machine within the OpenNebula system consists of:
The above items, plus some additional VM attributes like the OS kernel and context information to be used inside the VM, are specified in a `VM template <>`__ file.
Each VM in OpenNebula is identified by an unique number, the <VID>. Also, the user can assign it a name in the VM template, the default name for each VM is one-<VID>.
OpenNebula templates are designed to be hypervisor-agnostic, but there are still some peculiarities to be taken into account, and mandatory attributes change depending on the target hypervisor. Hypervisor specific information for this attributes can be found in the drivers configuration guides:
OpenNebula has been designed to be easily extended, so any attribute name can be defined for later use in any OpenNebula module. There are some pre-defined attributes, though.
Please check the Virtual Machine definition file reference for details on all the sections.
A basic VM template to be run using KVM could be this:
# VM definition example
NAME = "ttylinux"
CPU = 0.5
# --- disks ---
DISK = [
source = "/srv/cloud/images/ttylinux/ttylinux.img",
target = "hda",
readonly = "no" ]
# --- 1 NIC ---
FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]
# --- VNC server ---
type = "vnc",
listen = ""]
In the previous template KVM will asume that the image is RAW. If you have a image with the qcow2 format, you have to add the following to the DISK description:
driver = "qcow2"
Assuming we have a VM template called “” describing a virtual machine. Then, we can allocate the VM in OpenNebula issuing a:
afterwards, the VM can be listed with the list option:
The Image Repository system allows OpenNebula administrators and users to set up images, which can be operative systems or data, to be used in Virtual Machines easily. These images can be used by several Virtual Machines simultaneously, and also shared with other users.
This is what a sample template looks like:
To submit the template, you have to issue the command
You can use the oneimage list command to check the available images in the repository.
There other commands to manage the images sotored in the Image Repository:
The only difference with the previous VM template is that now, you only need to specify the name of the image that you want to use in the DISK section.
Assuming that the template containing the previous information is called, you can deploy the VM using the command:
Once the VM is deployed you can save the changes made to any disk as a new image. To do so, use the onevm saveas command. This command takes three or four arguments: The VM name (or ID), the disk_id to save, the name of the new image to register, and optionally the image type.
To know the DISK_ID of the disk you want to save, just take a look at the onevm show output for your VM.
The DISK_IDs are assigned in the same order the disks were defined in the VM template.
This will register a new image called “Ubuntu with Apache and MySQL”, that will be ready as soon as the VM is shut down.
The disks can be saved even if they were defined from a local disk file (see the VM template reference guide for more information on the different kinds of disks).
In order to use your existing physical nodes, you have to add them to the system as OpenNebula hosts. You need the following information:
|:!:| Before adding a host check that you can ssh to it without being prompt for a password
Hosts can be added to the system anytime with the onehost command. You can add the cluster nodes to be used by OpenNebula.
This is two example of adding a KVM host.
This is an example of adding a XEN host.
Note that in the two previous examples we are using tm_nfs. This means that OpenNebula is configured to share the VM directory or to use SSH with no share directory. Other option is the use of LVM. More information about the diferent storage system supported can be found in
The status of the cluster can be checked with the onehost list command:
And specific information about a host with show:
If you want not to use a given host you can temporarily disable it:
A disabled host should be listed with STAT off by onehost list. You can also remove a host permanently with:
|:!:| Detailed information of the onehost utility can be found in the Command Line Reference
If you use the onecluster list command you will see that the default cluster is created automatically.
You may want to isolate your physical hosts running virtual machines containing important services for you business, from the virtual machines running a development version of your software. The OpenNebula administrator can do so with these commands:
From this point, the newly created machines can use this cluster names as a placement requirement:
Once your development cycle is finished, this testing? and production clusters may not be useful any more. Let’s delete the testing cluster.
As you can see, the hosts assigned to the “testing” cluster have been moved to the “default” one.
|:!:| Detailed information of the onecluster utility can be found in the Command Line Reference
A cluster node is connected to one or more networks that are available to the virtual machines through the corresponding bridges. To set up a virtual networks you just need to know the name of the bridge to bind the virtual machines to.
OpenNebula allows for the creation of Virtual Networks by mapping them on top of the physical ones. All Virtual Networks are going to share a default value for the MAC preffix, set in the oned.conf file.
There are two types of Virtual Networks in OpenNebula:
|:!:| Virtual Networks created by oneadmin can be used by every other user.
For example to create a Fixed Virtual Network, called Public with the set of public IPs to be used by the VMs, just create a file with the following contents:
where LEASES: Definition of the IP-MAC pairs. If an IP is defined, and there is no associated MAC, OpenNebula will generate it using the following rule: MAC = MAC_PREFFIX:IP. So, for example, from IP and MAC_PREFFIX 00:16, we get 00:16:0a:00:00:01. Defining only a MAC address with no associated IP is not allowed.
The following is an example of a Ranged Virtual Network template:
Once a template for a VN has been defined, the onevnet command can be used to create it.
To create the previous networks put their definitions in two different files, and, respectively. Then, execute:
Also, onevnet can be used to query OpenNebula about available VNs:
with USER the owner of the network and #LEASES the number of IP-MACs assigned to a VM from this network.
We can see the details of a particular VN:
$onevnet show 0
ID: : 0
UID: : 0
LEASE=[ IP=, MAC=02:00:c0:a8:01:07, USED=1, VID=54 ]
LEASE=[ IP=, MAC=02:00:c0:a8:01:08, USED=1, VID=45 ]
LEASE=[ IP=, MAC=02:00:c0:a8:01:09, USED=0, VID=-1 ]
LEASE=[ IP=, MAC=02:00:c0:a8:01:0a, USED=0, VID=-1 ]
To delete a virtual network just use onevnet delete. For example to delete the previous networks:
|:!:| Check the onevnet command help or reference guide for more options to list the virtual networks.
Hypervisors can attach a specific MAC address to a virtual network interface, but Virtual Machines need to obtain an IP address. There are a variety of ways to achieve this within OpenNebula:
Please visit the contextualization guide to learn how to configure your Virtual Machines.
Usage of a physical resource can be obtained for a given user or a given virtual machine. Accounting reports always show aggregated information, considering possible migration of a virtual machine to between physical resources.
oneacct host - prints accounting information for the physical resources
Obtaining the accounting information for user john
The columns are:
Obtaining accounting information for host
Accounting information for Virtual Machines can be obtained for a given user or a given virtual machine.
The current version of the virtual resources reports does not consider possible migration of a virtual machine to between physical resources.
oneacct vm - prints accounting information for virtual machines
Obtaining the accounting information for a given VM
The columns are:
Obtaining the accounting information for a given host
Obtaining the accounting information for a given user
In this last example columns show aggregated transfer and running times.
Current Authentication/Authorization module (from now on auth module) has support for user/password and rsa private/public key authentication and also user quota support. Here, we are going to talk about the SSH module and how to add users using SSH keys. More information can be found in the official documentation:
To create a user compatible with ssh option for authentication the administrator needs to add the user’s public key into the database. The file with public key generated by ssh-keygen ($HOME/.ssh/ is written in a format readable by openssl so the public key should be extracted by the user and sent to the administrator. The way to extract it is the following:
The string the user has to send to the administrator to create the user is written to the console.
After the user sends the rsa public key the administration needs to create a new account in OpenNebula system. This is done in a similar way as standard user/password users but using the public key provided by the user and adding a parameter to the command so the password (in this case the public key) is stored as is in the database. Here is the command to create a user called test with the previously extracted public key:
After this the administrator can check that the user is in the system:
Before performing any action in OpenNebula system the user needs to login. To do this we must issue this command:
The command on success will print the command needed to execute so OpenNebula knows where to find the login file generated.
This line can also be added by the user to $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.bashrc so it is not needed to be executed every new system login.
By default the login file will be valid for one hour. This expire time can be changed adding another parameter with the number of seconds you want the login to be valid. For example to create a 2 hours valid login you can issue this command:
When quota module is enabled it checks for user resource consumption before letting a VM to created in OpenNebula system. You have to take into account that all resources for VMs listed by onevm list for a user are counted as used. Administrator user has unlimited quota.
By default user quota database is an sqlite database located at $ONE_LOCATION/var/auth.db. This database on creation does not have secure permissions and the administrator may change its permission and maybe its location. To change its location you can use a full path to the database in the auth module configuration file:
You may also change its permissions to 0600 so the unix user that runs OpenNebula daemons is the only with read/write access permissions.
Default quotas for all users are configured as previously stated in Configuring and Enabling Auth Module. This is the first configuration you will have to do if you enable quota system as any user without explicit quotas can only use that amount of resources.
Setting special quotas for a user can be done using oneauth command. If you have secured the database only unix user that runs OpenNebula will be able to update them. The steps to change permissions for a user are as follows: