FutureGrid Move FutureGrid

Move: Cloud/HPC Shifting

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Move (fg-move)

FG Move is a service to re-allocate resources among infrastructures.

General Usage

usage: fg-move [-h] -u user {node,cluster,service} ...

positional arguments:
          {node,cluster,service}  Positional arguments group different options
                                  that can be displayed by specifying <positional_argument> -h
Option Description
-h/--help Shows help information and exit.
-u/--user <userName> FutureGrid HPC user name, that is, the one used to login into the FG resources.

Node subparser

usage: fg-move -u user node [-h] (-a nodeId hostname ip cluster | -r nodeId cluster | -i nodeId ) [-f]

Options between brackets are not required. Parenthesis means that you need to specify one of the options.
Option Description
-h/--help Shows help information and exit.
-a <nodeId> <hostname> <ip> <clusterId>, --add <nodeId> <hostname> <ip> <clusterId> Add new node to a cluster.
-r <nodeId> <clusterId>, --remove <nodeId> <clusterId> Remove node. It is also removed from cluster and service. (not supported yet)
-i <nodeId>, --info <nodeId> Information of a node.
-f, --force Force operation.


  • Add a node to a particular cluster. We need to indicate the properties of the node, which are a node ID, hostname, IP and cluster ID.

    fg-move -u jdiaz node --add i90.india i90 Indiana
  • List information of a particular node.

    fg-move -u jdiaz node --info i90.india

Cluster subparser

usage: fg-move -u user cluster [-h] (-c clusterId | -r clusterId | -l [clusterId]) [-f]

Options between brackets are not required. Parenthesis means that you need to specify one of the options.
Option Description
-h/--help Shows help information and exit.
-c <clusterId>, --create <clusterId> Create a new cluster.
-r <clusterId>, --remove <clusterId> Remove cluster (not supported yet)
-l [clusterId], --list [clusterId] List available clusters or the information about a particular one if a clusterId is provided.
-f, --force Force operation.


  • Create a cluster named Indiana

    fg-move -u jdiaz cluster --create Indiana
  • List available clusters

    fg-move -u jdiaz cluster --list
  • List information about a particular cluster

    fg-move -u jdiaz cluster --list Indiana

Service subparser

usage: fg-move -u user service [-h] (-c serviceId type | -a nodeId/s... [nodeId/s...] serviceId | -r nodeId/s... [nodeId/s...] serviceId
                           | -m nodeId/s... [nodeId/s...] serviceIdorigin serviceIddestination | -l [serviceId] | -s [clusterId])

Options between brackets are not required. Parenthesis means that you need to specify one of the options.
Option Description
-h/--help Shows help information and exit.
-c/--create <serviceId> Create a new service.
-a/--add <nodeId/s> [nodeId/s...] <serviceId> Add a node or list of nodes to a service.
-r/--remove <nodeId/s> [nodeId/s...] <serviceId> Remove a node or list of nodes from a service.
-m/--move <nodeId/s> [nodeId/s...] <serviceIdorigin> <serviceIddestination> Move a node or list of nodes from a service to another.
-i/--info <nodeId/s> [nodeId/s...] <serviceId> Information about the status of node/s from a service (idle, busy, does not exists).
-l/--list [serviceId] List available services or the information about a particular one if a clusterId is provided.
-s/--listfreenodes [clusterId] List of nodes that are not assigned to any service. The list can be restricted to a particular cluster
-f/--force Force operation.


  • Create a service named IndianaOpenStack.

    fg-move -u jdiaz service --create IndianaOpenStack
  • List available services.

    fg-move -u jdiaz service --list
  • List information about a particular service.

    fg-move -u jdiaz service --list IndianaOpenStack
  • List nodes that are not allocated into any service.

    fg-move -u jdiaz service --listfreenodes
  • Add nodes to the service IndianaOpenStack. The nodes must be free, that is they cannot be allocated to another service.

    fg-move -u jdiaz service --add i90.india i20.india IndianaOpenStack
  • Remove a node from a service. The node must be idle to perform this operation or you have to force the opration by adding --force.

    fg-move -u jdiaz service --remove i20.india IndianaOpenStack
  • Move a node from a service to another. The node must be idle to perform this operation or you have to force the opration by adding --force.

    fg-move -u jdiaz service --move i90.india IndianaOpenStack IndianaEucalyptus