

fg-euca-gather-log-files - collect cc.log files of eucalyptus and rename it with unique file names with ‘YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-ss-cc.log’ type. Duplicated file s are ignored.


fg-euca-gather-log-files [OPTION]... -i <from_dir> -o <backup_dir>


Eucalyptus 2.0 provides a number of log files that are written into a directory. The log files are maintained with the rrd tool, thus they will be overwritten after a particular time period. This tool copies the log files that end with .log.? into a backup directory. A log file will only be copied into backup if it is not already there. This avoids unnecessary operations and allows the integrat ion of this script into cron.

The program has a number of parameters by default it takes two directories. The first directory is the directory from which all log files are copied. The second is the directory to which the files are to be copied (e.g our Backup directory). If the backup directory does not exists it is being utomatically created.

One thing is important to not that the current script looks recuresively through all subdirectories starting from the from dir. This is due to the fact that our initial script backed up all files into various subdirectories. All files will be renamed to


Specific arguments can be controlled as follows

-r, -R, --recursive
 search directories and their contents recursively
-o, --backup <dir>
 specify the backup directory (renamed log files will be saved here)
-i, --source <dir>
 specify the source directory of eucalyptus logs (default: /var/log/eucalyptus)
-t, --log-type <filename>
 specify a log type to be gathered (default: cc.log)

If any of the parameters are used the specification of any parameters without named parameters is not allowed. Calling:

fg-euca-gather-log-files --source <from_dir> --backup <backup_dir>

is equicvalent to:

fg-euca-gather-log-files -i <from_dir> -o <backup_dir>

In a production environment we recommend using explicit parameter naming in order to be more transparent.


Cron Setup

The following line causes the fg-euca-gather-log-files to be run once an hour:

0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/fg-euca-gather-log-files --source <from_dir> --backup <backup_dir>


Written by Gregor von Laszewski, Fugang Wang and H. Lee


Report fg-cleanup-table bugs to laszewski@gmail.com Github home page: <https://github.com/futuregrid/futuregrid-cloud-metrics>


If you like to contribute to the code, please contact Gregor von Laszewski at laszewski@gmail.com. The code is located on github at


in the directory cloud-metrics