Image Repository (fg-repo)

The Image Repository is a service to query, store, and update images through a unique and common interface.


usage: fg-repo [-h] -u user [-d]
               (-q [AttributeString] | -g imgId | -p imgFile [AttributeString ...] | -m imgId AttributeString
                 | -r imgId [imgId ...] | -s imgId permissionString | --useradd userId | --userdel userId
                 | --userlist | --setuserquota userId quotaExpresion | --setuserrole userId role | --setuserstatus userId status
                 | --histimg [imgId] | --histuser [userId])

Options between brackets are not required. Parenthesis means that you need to specify one of the options.
Option Description
-h/--help Shows help information and exit.
-u/--user <userName> FutureGrid HPC user name, that is, the one used to login into the FG resources.
-q/--list [queryString] Get list of images that meet the criteria.
-g/--get <imgId> Get an image by specifying its unique identifier.
-p/--put <imgFile> [attributeString] Store image into the repository and its metadata defined in attributeString. Default metadata is provided if the argument is missing.
-m/--modify <imgId> <attributeString> Modify the metadata associated with the image.
-r/--remove <imgId> [imgId ...] Delete images from the Repository.
-s/--setpermission <imgId> <permissionString> Change the permission of a particular image. Valid values are public, private.
--histimg [imgId] Get usage information an image. If no argument provided, it shows the usage information of all images.
--nopasswd If this option is used, the password is not requested. This is intended for systems daemons like Inca.

The following options are available only for users with admin role.

Option Description
--useradd <userId> Add a new user to the image management database.
--userdel <userId> Delete an user from the image management database.
--userlist List of users.
--setuserquota <userId> <quota> Modify the quota of a user. The quota is given in bytes, but math expressions are allowed (4*1024*1024). By default each user has 4GB of disk space.
--setuserrole  <userId> <role> Modify the role of a user. Valid values: admin and user roles.
--setuserstatus <userId> <status> Modify the status of a user. Valid values: pending, active, and inactive.
--histuser [userId] Get usage info of an User. If no argument provided, it shows the usage information of all users. This option can be used by normal users to show their own information


While using the command line interface, the attributeString, queryString and quotaExpression arguments must be enclosed by characters.

  • A attributeString can be composed by a list of metadata fields separated by the & character. Valid metadata fields are:
    • vmtype: it can be none, xen, kvm, virtualbox, vmware.
    • imgtype: it can be machine, kernel, eucalyptus, nimbus, opennebula, openstack.
    • os: String.
    • arch: String.
    • description: String.
    • tag: List of Strings.
    • permission: it can be public, private.
    • imgStatus: it can be available, locked.
  • Valid queryString are (valid fields are: imgId, os, arch, owner, tag, vmType, imgType, permission, imgStatus):
    • “*”
    • “* where field=XX”
    • “field1,field2 where field3=XX”
  • Valid quotaExpression (in bytes): “4294967296”, “2048 * 1024”


  • Upload an image

    $ fg-repo -p /home/javi/image.iso "vmtype=kvm&os=Centos5&arch=i386&description=this is a test description&tag=tsttag1, tsttag2&permission=private" -u jdiaz
    $ fg-repo -p /home/javi/image.iso "ImgType=Openstack&os=Ubuntu&arch=x86_64&description=this is a test description" -u jdiaz


The & character is used to separate different metadata fields.

  • Get an image

    $ fg-repo -g 964160263274803087640112 -u jdiaz
  • Modify the metadata of an image

    $ fg-repo -m 964160263274803087640112 "ImgType=Opennebula&os=Ubuntu10" -u jdiaz
  • Query Image Repository

    $ fg-repo -q "* where vmType=kvm" -u jdiaz
  • Add user to the Image Repository

    $ fg-repo --useradd juan -u jdiaz
    $ fg-repo --usersetstatus juan active