Image Registration (fg-register)

This service registers images in the selected infrastructures. After this process, images become available for instantiation in such infrastructures.


usage: fg-register [-h] -u user [-d] (-i ImgFile | -r ImgId | --list | --listkernels | --listsites | --deregister ImgId)
                   [-k Kernel version] [-a ramdiskId]
                   (-x SiteName | -e SiteName | -o SiteName | -n SiteName | -s SiteName)
                   [-v VARFILE] [--getimg] [--noldap] [--wait] [--nopasswd] [--justregister]

Options between brackets are not required. Parenthesis means that you need to specify one of the options.
Option Description
-h/--help Shows help information and exit.
-u/--user <userName> FutureGrid HPC user name, that is, the one used to login into the FG resources.
-i/--image <imgFile> Select the image to register by specifying its location. The image is a tgz file that contains the manifest and image files.
-r/--imgid <imgId> Select the image to register by specifying its Id in the repository.
-k/--kernel <version> Specify the desired kernel. Case a) if the image has to be adapted (any image generated with fg-generate) this option can be used to select one of the available kernels. Both kernelId and ramdiskId will be selected according to the selected kernel. This case is for any infrastructure. Case b) if the image is ready to be registered, you may need to specify the id of the kernel in the infrastructure. This case is when -j/--justregister is used and only for cloud infrastructures.
-a/--ramdisk <ramdiskId> Specify the desired ramdisk that will be associated to your image in the cloud infrastructure. This option is only needed if -j/--justregister is used.
-l/--list List images registered in the HPC or Cloud infrastructures.
-t/--listkernels List kernels available for HPC or Cloud infrastructures.
--listsites List supported sites with their respective HPC and Cloud services.
--deregister <imgId> Deregister an image from the specified infrastructure.
-x/--xcat <SiteName> Select the HPC infrastructure named SiteName (minicluster, india ...).
-e/--euca <SiteName> Select the Eucalyptus Infrastructure located in SiteName (india, sierra...).
-s/--openstack <SiteName> Select the OpenStack Infrastructure located in SiteName (india, sierra...).
-n/--nimbus <SiteName> Select the Nimbus Infrastructure located in SiteName (india, sierra...).
-o/--opennebula <SiteName> Select the OpenNebula Infrastructure located in SiteName (india, sierra...).
-v/--varfile <VARFILE> Path of the environment variable files. Currently this is used by Eucalyptus, OpenStack and Nimbus.
-g/--getimg Customize the image for a particular cloud framework but does not register it. So the user gets the image file.
-p/--noldap If this option is active, FutureGrid LDAP will not be configured in the image. This option only works for Cloud registrations. LDAP configuration is needed to run jobs using fg-rain
-w/--wait Wait until the image is available in the targeted infrastructure. Currently this is used by Eucalyptus and OpenStack.
--nopasswd If this option is used, the password is not requested. This is intended for systems daemons like Inca.
-j, --justregister It assumes that the image is ready to run in the selected infrastructure. Thus, no additional configuration will be performed. Only valid for Cloud infrastructures. (This is basically a wrapper of the tools that register images into the cloud infrastructures)


  • To register an image in the HPC infrastructure, users need to specify the name of that HPC machine that they want to use with the -x/–xcat option. The rest of the needed information will be taken from the configuration file.
  • To register an image in Eucalyptus, OpenStack and Nimbus infrastructures, you need to provide a file with the environment variables using the -v/–varfile option.


  • Register an image for the HPC Infrastructure India

    $ fg-register -r 964160263274803087640112 -x india -u jdiaz
  • Register an image for OpenStack

    $ fg-register -r 964160263274803087640112 -s india -v ~/novarc -u jdiaz
  • Customize an image for Ecualyptus but do not register it (here -v ~/eucarc is not needed because we are not going to register the image in the infrastructure)

    $ fg-register -r 964160263274803087640112 -e sierra -g -u jdiaz
  • Register an image for Nimbus

    $ fg-register -r 964160263274803087640112 -n hotel -v ~/hotel.conf -u jdiaz
  • List available kernels for the HPC infrastructure India

    fg-register --listkernels -x india -u jdiaz
  • List available kernels for OpenStack

    fg-register --listkernels -s india -u jdiaz
  • Deregister an image from OpenStack

    fg-register --deregister ami-00000126 -s india -v ~/novarc -u jdiaz
  • Deregister an image from HPC (user role must be admin)

    fg-register --deregister centosjdiaz1610805121 -x india -u jdiaz
  • List Information of the available sites

    fg-register --listsites -u jdiaz
    • The output would be something like

      Supported Sites Information
      Cloud Information
      SiteName: sierra
        Description: In this site we support Eucalyptus 3.
        Infrastructures supported: ['Eucalyptus']
      SiteName: hotel
        Description: In this site we support Nimbus 2.9.
        Infrastructures supported: ['Nimbus']
      SiteName: india
        Description: In this site we support Eucalyptus 2 and OpenStack Cactus. OpenNebula is not deployed in production but you can adapt images for it too.
        Infrastructures supported: ['Eucalyptus', 'OpenStack', 'OpenNebula']
      HPC Information (baremetal)
      SiteName: india
        RegisterXcat Service Status: Active
        RegisterMoab Service Status: Active