FutureGrid Move FutureGrid


Table Of Contents

Welcome to FuturGrid PasswdStack

PasswdStack is a simple tool that allows regular users to reset their own password in the OpenStack Dashboard. Currently, OpenStack does not allow regular users to change their own password in the dashboard. This tool tackles this problem. The security is done via LDAP in the server side, which guarantees that an user can only change its own password.

FG PasswdStack QuickStart

At this moment, our software only provides a command line interface. Thus, users need access to the machine where the FG PasswdClient client is installed. Currently, this is installed and configured in the FutureGrid India cluster (india.futuregrid.org).

Login on India and use the module functionality to load the environment variables:

$ ssh <username>@india.futuregrid.org
$ module load futuregrid

The authentication is done via FutureGrid Ldap server. Thus, in each command we need to specify our FutureGrid username and we will be asked for our portal password.

Using FG PasswdStack

$ fg-passwdstack -u <username>


Users need to use their FutureGrid username and portal password.

After typing the command, you will be asked for your portal password. Then, you will be asked for the password that you want to have in the OpenStack Dashboard. This password is asked two times to make sure you do not misspell the new password.


    Passwd Stack client...
    Please insert the password for the user jdiaz
    Enter Portal Password:

    Please insert the password you want to have in the OpenStack dashboard
    Enter new Dashboard password:
    Retype new Dashboard password:
    The strength of the password is: Weak
    Connecting server:
    Your request is in the queue to be processed after authentication
    Authentication OK. Your image request is being processed
    The password was reset: OK

FG PasswdStack Documentation

User Documentation

In this section you will find information on how to use the command line interfaces of our tools.

PasswdStack (fg-passwdstack)

FG PasswdStack is a service to reset the OpenStack dashboard password.

General Usage
usage: fg-passwdstack [-h] -u user
Option Description
-h/--help Shows help information and exit.
-u/--user <userName> FutureGrid HPC user name, that is, the one used to login into the FG resources.


These tools require users to authenticate using their FG usernames and FG portal passwords.

Administrator Documentation

In this section you will find information on software deployment details.

Installing FutureGrid PasswdStack

You can install the FutureGrid PasswdStack using one of the following procedures.

  • Using the “easy_install” tool. This is the simplest option, as easy_install will take care of downloading and installing not just FutureGrid PasswdStack but also its dependencies. You must already have Python (version 2.6 or higher) and Python Distribute (version 0.6.15 or higher) installed on your machine (or you must be able to install them). To check if both are installed, try running easy_install --version from the command line. If the command is available, and it prints out a version number equal or higher than 0.6.15, you will be able to install FutureGrid PasswdStack using easy_install.
  • Using a source tarball. If you are unable to install FutureGrid PasswdStack using easy_install, you can download a tarball with the FutureGrid PasswdStack source code. Your machine must have Python installed on it, but not the Python Distribute package (the tarball includes a setup script that will automatically download and install Python Distribute for you).
  • Downloading the latest code from GitHub. Choose this option if you want to track the latest code in our GitHub repository,
Using easy_install

This option has the following prerequisites:

  • Python 2.6 or higher. If Python is not available on your machine, you can find installation instructions here: http://www.python.org/getit/. Take into account that, if you are using a Linux distribution, you should be able to install it using your distribution’s package manager (e.g., apt-get install python on Debian and Ubuntu). If you are using a Mac, Python is included by default; however, if your version is too old, take a look at the following instructions: http://www.python.org/getit/mac/
  • Python Distribute 0.6.15 or higher. As noted above, you can verify if this package is installed by running easy_install --version. If it is not available, you can find installation instructions here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute#installation-instructions. Take into account that, although Python Distribute is included as an optional package in most Linux distributions, it is sometimes available under the name “Setuptools” (e.g., python-setuptools in Debian and Ubuntu systems), since Python Distribute is a fork of the Setuptools project.

If you meet these prerequisites, you should be able to install FutureGrid PasswdStack simply by running this as root:

easy_install -U futuregrid_passwdstack

If you are using Ubuntu or Mac OS X, you will likely just need to run this:

sudo easy_install -U futuregrid_passwdstack

If you do not have administrative privileges on your machine, you will have to install FutureGrid PasswdStack under your regular user account:

easy_install -U futuregrid_passwdstack --user


Installing FutureGrid PasswdStack in your home directory will install the FutureGrid PasswdStack commands in ~/.local/bin, which may not be in your PATH environment variable. If not, make sure to update the definition of your PATH environment variable (e.g., in the ~/.profile file if you are using a BASH shell).

Alternatively, you can also request that the commands be installed in a directory that is already in your $PATH. You may want to use ~/bin/, as most Linux distributions will automatically include that directory in your PATH.

easy_install -U futuregrid_passwdstack  --user -s ~/bin/
Using pip

pip is an alternative to easy_install. More information can be found in pip documentation.

pip install futuregrid_passwdstack
Using a source tarball

If you do not have Python Distribute, or are unable to install it, you can still install FutureGrid PasswdStack by downloading a source tarball yourself. This tarball contains an installation script that will install and setup Python Distribute, and then proceed to install FutureGrid PasswdStack.

You will first have to download the latest source tarball from the Python Package Index: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/futuregrid_passwdstack

Next, untar the tarball and run the installation script as root:

tar xvzf futuregrid_passwdstack-0.1.tar.gz
cd futuregrid_passwdstack-0.1
python setup.py install


If you are using Ubuntu or Mac OS X, you will likely just need to run this:

sudo python setup.py install

If you do not have administrative privileges on your machine, you can choose to install everything inside your home directory:

python setup.py install --user
Tracking latest code from GitHub

If you want to use the latest version of our code from our GitHub repository, the steps are similar to installing a source tarball. However, instead of downloading a tarball, you will use git to clone our repository on your machine. Simply run the following:

git clone git@github.com:futuregrid/passwdstack.git

This will create a directory called passwdstack. In it, you will find the same setup.py script described in the previous section. If you want to install FutureGrid PasswdStack, and not make any modifications to the code, you should run python setup.py install as described in the previous section.

If you intend to modify the code, and want the FutureGrid PasswdStack commands to use the code in the git repository you’ve created on your machine, you can instead install FutureGrid PasswdStack in “developer” mode:

python setup.py develop

This will install FutureGrid PasswdStack but, instead of copying the Python source code to a system directory, it will create a pointer to the source directory you checked out. That way, any changes you make to the source code will take effect immediately (without having to reinstall FutureGrid PasswdStack).

Take into account that there are, at least, two branches in our GitHub repository: master and dev. The former always contains the latest stable release, including bug fixes, and the former contains the very latest version of our code (which may not work as reliably as the code in the master branch). By default, your repository will track the master branch. To switch to the dev branch, run the following:

git checkout dev

To pull the latest changes from our GitHub repository, run the following:

git pull origin

Setting up the FutureGrid Software for FG PasswdStack

Configuration Files

There are two places where we can locate the configuration files. Our software will look into these places in the following order:

  1. In the directory ~/.fg/
  2. In the directory /etc/futuregrid/

If you have installed FutureGrid PasswdStack using the tarball file (Using a source tarball) you will find the configuration sample files in /etc/futuregrid/. Otherwise, you can download them as a tarball or a ZIP file.

Server Side: The configuration file has to be renamed as fg-server.conf.

Client Side: The configuration file has to be renamed as fg-client.conf.


If you configure several clients or servers in the same machine, the fg-client.conf or fg-server.conf must be the same file.


In the Client Side, the path of the log files must be relative to each users. Using the $HOME directory is a good idea.

Setting up LDAP

The authentication of our software is based on LDAP. So, we need to configure some options in the configuration files to make it possible.

Server Side

We need to configure the [LDAP] section. This is going to be use by all servers. More information about this section of the server configuration file can be found in LDAP section.

LDAPHOST= ldap.futuregrid.org
LDAPUSER= uid=rainadmin,ou=People,dc=futuregrid,dc=org
LDAPPASS= passwordrainadmin
log= ~/fg-auth.log
Setting up FG PasswdStack

In this section we explain how to configure FG PasswdStack.

Server Side

First, we are going to configure the main server. We need to configure the [PasswdStackServer] Section (see PasswdStackServer section).

port = 56796
log = passwdstackserver.log
log_level = debug

imageman has to have the OpenStack credentials of an admin. Then you edit ~/.bashrc file to include the command source novarc (you may need to indicate the full path of the novarc file.

Once everything is set up, you can start the server executing PasswdStackServer.py as imageman user.


We recommend to have a system user that run all the servers (i.e. imageman). In this way, it will be easier to manage the sudoers file when necessary.

Client Side

In the client side, we need to configure the [PasswdStack] section. More information about this section of the client configuration file can be found in PasswdStack section.

port = 56796
log = passwdstackclient.log
log_level = debug

The executable file of this client is fg-paswdstack. More information about how to use FG PasswdStack can be found in the FG PasswdStack Manual.

FG PasswdStack Check List
  Server Side (fg-server.conf) Client Side (fg-client.conf)
  • LDAP client configured in the machine
  • [PasswdStackServer] section
  • [LDAP] section
  • [PasswdStack] section
  • PasswdStackServer.py
  • fg-paswdstack

Configuration file reference

fg-server.conf configuration file
Section [LDAP]

This section is used to configure the access to LDAP to verify the user passwords.

This section is required by all services


Type: String

Required: Yes

Hostname or IP address of the LDAP server that manages the user’s authentication.


Type: user-dn

Required: Yes

This is the DN of an user that have read access to the encrypted passwords of every user. This looks like uid=USER,ou=People,dc=futuregrid,dc=org


Type: String

Required: Yes

Password of the user specified in the previous section.

Option log

Type: log-file

Required: Yes

Location of the file where the logs will be stored.

Option test

Valid values: True, False

Required: No

This option is for development purposes. For security reasons, the LDAP server cannot be contacted from outside of FutureGrid network. Therefore, we need this option to go test our services before we deploy them on production.

Section [PasswdStackServer]

This section is used to configure the FG Move Server.

Option port

Type: Integer

Required: Yes

Port where the FG PasswdStack server will be listening.

Option proc_max

Type: Integer

Required: Yes

Maximum number of request that can be processed at the same time.

Option refresh

Type: Integer

Required: Yes

Interval to check the status of the running requests when proc_max is reached and determine if new request can be processed.

Option log

Type: log-file

Required: Yes

Location of the file where the logs will be stored.

Option log_level

Valid values: debug, error, warning, info

Required: No

Desired log level. The default option is debug.

Option ca_cert

Type: ca-cert

Required: Yes

Location of CA certificate (PEM-encoded) used to generate user and service certificates. Server certificates.

Option certfile

Type: service-cert

Required: Yes

Location of the certificate (PEM-encoded) used by the FG PasswdStack server. Server certificates.

Option keyfile

Type: key-cert

Required: Yes

Location of the private key (PEM-encoded) of the certificate specified in certfile. Server certificates.

fg-client.conf configuration file
Section [PasswdStack]

This section is used to configure FG PasswdStack.

Option port

Type: Integer

Required: Yes

Port where the FG PasswdStack server will be listening.

Option serveraddr

Type: String

Required: Yes

Address of the machine where the FG PasswdStack server is running.

Option log

Type: log-file

Required: Yes

Location of the file where the logs will be stored.

Option log_level

Valid values: debug,``error``,``warning``,``info``

Required: No

Desired log level. The default option is debug.

Option ca_cert

Type: ca-cert

Required: Yes

Location of CA certificate (PEM-encoded) used to generate user and service certificates.

Option certfile

Type: service-cert

Required: Yes

Location of the certificate (PEM-encoded) used by the FG PasswdStack client.

Option keyfile

Type: key-cert

Required: Yes

Location of the private key (PEM-encoded) of the certificate specified in certfile.

Configuring a Module for FutureGrid Software

The software packages on the FutureGrid machines is manage using the Environment Modules. The Environment Modules package provides for the dynamic modification of a user’s environment via modulefiles.

In this section, we explain how to create a module for our software.

  1. Create a directory to place the software /N/soft/futuregrid-1.0/.

  2. Locate the directory where Modules is installed. In the case of India, this is installed in /opt/Modules/. From now on we will refer to this location as $MODULES_PATH.

  3. Create a directory in $MODULES_PATH/default/modulefiles/tools/futuregrid

  4. In this directory we need to create a file with the version number. In this example the file is named 1.0. The content of this file is some information about the software location and the list of modules that need to be loaded as requirements.

    set ver 1.0
    set path /N/soft/futuregrid-$ver
    proc ModulesHelp { } {
    puts stderr "This module adds the FutureGrid toolkit to your environment"
    module-whatis "Configures your environment for the FutureGrid toolkit"
    prepend-path PATH $path
    prepend-path PATH $path/bin/
    if [ module-info mode load ] {
    puts stderr "futuregrid version $ver loaded"
    if [ module-info mode switch2 ] {
    puts stderr "futuregrid version $ver loaded"
    if [ module-info mode remove ] {
    puts stderr "futuregrid version $ver unloaded"
    module load euca2ools
    module load python_w-cmd2
    module load moab
    module load torque


If the python is not the one installed in the system, the binaries may be inside your python directory.

  1. In case the software binaries were copied into /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. We need to move them to the directory /N/soft/futuregrid-1.0/bin/

Building the FG PasswdStack Documentation

The documentation has been created using Sphinx and therefore you have to build it before you can see the final html files. The source files of the documentation can be found under the doc directory of our software package. Next, we define the needed steps to build the documentation.

  1. Install the documentation Using a source tarball or Downloading the latest code from GitHub.

  2. Change your current directory to the doc one.

    cd doc
  3. Build the documentation using the Makefile.

    make website
  4. The documentation should be in the directory build/web-<version>/. This basically contains html files that can be copied to a regular http server.


Changelog and Release Notes


Summary of the main functionality provided for this version:

  • Security
    • Authentication is performed using the FutureGrid LDAP server
  • Change the OpenStack password for an user by executing the command keystone user-password-update


The latest version of the FutureGrid PasswdStack is 0.1

The recommended way of installing Move is using easy_install. You can find instructions on how to do this in the Installation chapter of the documentation.

If you do need to download FG Move as an installable Python Egg or as a source tarball, both are available for download in the Python Package Index: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/futuregrid_passwdstack

Sample files

The sample configuration files shown in the documentation are available for download as a tarball or a ZIP file.

Development version

If you want to use the latest development version of FG Move, you can track our GitHub repository.

The Installation chapter of the documentation provides instructions on how to check out our code from GitHub.


If you run into problems when using FutureGrid PasswordStack, please use our help form at https://portal.futuregrid.org/help

Known problems

Depending of the configuration of your machines, you may have problems installing some python modules. In particular, we have notice problems with the ldap modules, which is required for the installation of our software.

  • Installing python-ldap

    Ldap api
    sudo apt-get install python-ldap
    sudo yum install python-ldap
    sudo yum install python26-ldap  #(when the default python is the 2.4 version)