Welcome to FuturGrid Move ========================= FutureGrid Move is a service that enables physical resources re-allocation among infrastructures. By using a simple command line interface, this service is able to de-register a machine from a particular infrastructure and register it in another one. Internally, this service makes use of `Teefaa `_ to dynamically provision the selected machine with the OS and software needed for a successful registration in the new infrastructure. FG Move also maintains a database with information about the machines composing each one of the different infrastructures. The database can be consulted to obtain detailed information about a particular infrastructure. Currently, we support HPC infrastructures (Torque-based) and cloud infrastructures based on `Eucalyptus `_ and `OpenStack `_ frameworks. Additionally, we are working to provide support to other cloud infrastructures based on `Nimbus `_ and `OpenNebula `_ frameworks. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: whatis quickstart documentation download support .. Indices and tables .. ================== .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`