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Configuring a Module for FutureGrid SoftwareΒΆ

The software packages on the FutureGrid machines is manage using the Environment Modules. The Environment Modules package provides for the dynamic modification of a user’s environment via modulefiles.

In this section, we explain how to create a module for our software.

  1. Create a directory to place the software /N/soft/futuregrid-1.0/.

  2. Locate the directory where Modules is installed. In the case of India, this is installed in /opt/Modules/. From now on we will refer to this location as $MODULES_PATH.

  3. Create a directory in $MODULES_PATH/default/modulefiles/tools/futuregrid

  4. In this directory we need to create a file with the version number. In this example the file is named 1.0. The content of this file is some information about the software location and the list of modules that need to be loaded as requirements.

    set ver 1.0
    set path /N/soft/futuregrid-$ver
    proc ModulesHelp { } {
    puts stderr "This module adds the FutureGrid toolkit to your environment"
    module-whatis "Configures your environment for the FutureGrid toolkit"
    prepend-path PATH $path
    prepend-path PATH $path/bin/
    if [ module-info mode load ] {
    puts stderr "futuregrid version $ver loaded"
    if [ module-info mode switch2 ] {
    puts stderr "futuregrid version $ver loaded"
    if [ module-info mode remove ] {
    puts stderr "futuregrid version $ver unloaded"
    module load euca2ools
    module load python_w-cmd2
    module load moab
    module load torque


If the python is not the one installed in the system, the binaries may be inside your python directory.

  1. In case the software binaries were copied into /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. We need to move them to the directory /N/soft/futuregrid-1.0/bin/