.. _downloads: .. Most of the text found in this page has been taken from http://globus.org/provision/ Download ======== The latest version of the FutureGrid PasswdStack is |release| The recommended way of installing Move is using ``easy_install``. You can find instructions on how to do this in the :ref:`Installation ` chapter of the documentation. If you do need to download FG Move as an installable Python Egg or as a source tarball, both are available for download in the Python Package Index: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/futuregrid_passwdstack Sample files ------------ The sample configuration files shown in the documentation are available for download as a :docs-tar:`tarball ` or a :docs-zip:`ZIP file `. Development version ------------------- If you want to use the latest development version of FG Move, you can track our `GitHub repository `_. The :ref:`Installation ` chapter of the documentation provides instructions on how to check out our code from GitHub.