.. _s-eucalyptus-twister: ========================================================= Eucalyptus and Twister on FutureGrid ========================================================= SALSA Group PTI Indiana University I. Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This tutorial will show you how to use Twister under Eucalyptus on India, FutureGrid. II. Prerequisite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow tutorial :ref:`Using Eucalyptus on FutureGrid ` to learn how to install and use the Eucalyptus client tool to access resources on India, FutureGrid. III. Download FutureGrid Eucalyptus Twister Tool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This tool is a set of python scripts. They can provide a pre-configured Twister environment, and also can terminate the environment. Pleasecdownload the tool in the attachment below. IV. Start Twister Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To start a Twister environment, execute the following program:  .. code:: rteleft $ python fg_euca_start_twister.py [-k user key] [-i public key file path] [-n number of instances][-t instance type] e.g. $ python fg_euca_start_twister.py -k userkey -i userkey.pem -n 3 -t c1.medium Here, - -k is the user key name generated by the **euca-add-keypair** step in the Eucalyptus tutorial. - -i is the private key .pem file path. It is also generated in the **euca-add-keypair** step in the Eucalyptus tutorial. - -n is the number of instances for starting. - -t is the type of image. The following is an execution example: |image1| Once the script is executed, the user can get a prepared Twister environment. Then, the user can follow the instructions provided by **fg\_euca\_start\_twister.py** to start ActiveMQ on the assigned node, and also start the Twister environment (could be on any node just applied). V. Terminate Twister Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To terminate a Twister environment, execute the following command: .. code:: rteleft $ python fg_euca_terminate_twister.py VI. Run Twister-Kmeans ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Ant and Deploy Twister-Kmeans ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Log into the node assigned for ActiveMQ broker.  :: $ cd /opt/Twister/samples/kmeans $ ant $ cd ../../lib $ mv Twister-Kmeans-0.9.jar ../apps/ $ cd ../bin/ $ chmod a+x twister.sh $ ./twister.sh cpj ../apps/Twister-Kmeans-0.9.jar 2. Start Twister and ActiveMQ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open two terminals and log into the node mentioned above. One is for starting ActiveMQ; the other is for starting Twister. In Terminal 1: :: $ cd /opt/apache-activemq-5.4.2/bin/ $ activemq console In Terminal 2: :: $ cd /opt/Twister/bin $ ./start_twister.sh 3. Create Twister-Kmeans Data Folder ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open another terminal, and create a folder for operating kmeans data: :: $ cd /opt/Twister/bin $ ./twishter.sh mkdir kmeans 4. Generate Twister-Kmeans ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^   ^ Data ^^^^ Open a new terminal: :: $ cd /opt/Twister/samples/kmeans/bin/ $./gen_data.sh init_clusters.txt 2 3 /kmeans km_data 3 30000 In the terminal used in Step 3, do the following: :: $ ./create_partition_file.sh kmeans km ../samples/kmeans/bin/p.pf Back in the terminal used in Step 4, do the following: :: $ ./run_kmeans.sh init_clusters.txt 3 p.pf The output is as follows: |image2| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | Attachment | Size | +===============================================================================================+===========+ | `fgeucatwister.zip `__ | 4.38 KB | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ .. |image1| image:: https://portal.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/u192/start_twister.jpg .. |image2| image:: https://portal.futuregrid.org/sites/default/files/resize/u192/twister_kmeans-906x257.jpg .. |image3| image:: /sites/default/files/images/nsf-logo.png :target: http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/ .. |image4| image:: /sites/default/files/u876/xsede-logo.png