.. _s-status: ********************************************************************** Status ********************************************************************** The status of the resources and services can be accessed through: - :portal:`https://portal.futuregrid.org/status ` This page also contains a link to our operational status of FutureGrid resources and services. See the FutureGrid Inca server at: - `http://inca.futuregrid.org `__ Scheduled outages and maintenance windows on the FutureGrid network are collected in the Network Operations Calendar at: - `https://noc.futuregrid.org/futuregrid/support/operations-calendar3.html `__ The **first Tuesday of each month** is the standard maintenance window. You can find a list of outages :portal:`here ` including an :portal:`RSS ` feed. A subset of the most recent outages are posted on the frontpage. .. list-table:: System Information :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20,10,70 * - Image - Info - Description * - |image12| - `System configuration `__ - The system is configured at this time using either HPC, Nimbus, or Eucalyptus services. The distribution used at this time can be found \ `here `__ and `here `__. * - |image13| - `Status of FutureGrid services `__ - Lists the status of key FutureGrid services (e.g., SSH, Nimbus, Eucalyptus) in a sortable table. * - |image14| - `Ganglia `__ - Cluster Monitoring * - |image15| - `WAN Network Status `__ - The network status can be viewed via the \ `FutureGrid Network Operations Center page `__. Upcoming network events are maintained on the \ `Network Operations Calendar `__. * - |image16| - `Software Status `__ - The operational status of FutureGrid machines are continuously monitored via a number of tools. To view some of the contents, please visit \ `http://inca.futuregrid.org `__ * - |image17| - :portal:`Cloud Status ` - Here you will find information about how FG cloud services are currently used. * - |image18| - :portal:`FutureGrid Cloud Metrics ` - Metric system provides an integrated accounting service to view cloud usage statistics and graphs regarding the utilization of virtual machine (VM) instances. Includes usage stats for Eucalyptus, Nimbus, and OpenStack. * - |image19| - `System software version info `__ - The version info of the installed system software across all FG sites * - |image20| - `Nimbus Usage Reports `__ - Displays weekly usage graphs of each of the FutureGrid Nimbus deployments. .. |image12| image:: images/status_incapart.PNG :target: http://inca.futuregrid.org:8080/inca/jsp/partitionTable.jsp :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image13| image:: images/ScreenSnapz.jpg :target: http://inca.futuregrid.org:8080/inca/jsp/status.jsp?queryNames=Health&xsl=table.xsl&resourceIds=FutureGrid :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image14| image:: images/ganglia.png :target: http://ganglia.futuregrid.org :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image15| image:: images/large_status_nocmap.PNG :target: http://noc.futuregrid.org :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image16| image:: images/inca-software-status.png :target: http://inca.futuregrid.org :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image17| image:: images/inca-cloud-monitor.png :target: https://portal.futuregrid.org/monitoring/cloud :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image18| image:: images/screenshot-for-status-small.png :target: https://portal.futuregrid.org/metrics :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image19| image:: images/fg-sys-sw-ver.PNG :target: http://inca.futuregrid.org:8080/inca/HTML/rest/HPC/FutureGrid :width: 100px :height: 100px .. |image20| image:: images/nimbus-usage.png :target: http://inca.futuregrid.org/nimbus-stats :width: 100px :height: 100px