.. _s-openstack: ********************************************************************** OpenStack Essex with euca2ools ********************************************************************** .. sidebar:: Page Contents .. contents:: :local: We currently have a number of nodes in the FG India cluster dedicated to the `Essex `__ release of `OpenStack `__, a collection of open-source technology that provides scalable, open-source cloud computing software. OpenStack consists of a series of `interrelated projects `__ that deliver various components for a cloud infrastructure solution. This tutorial provides an overview of OpenStack Nova installation on FutureGrid, as well as steps for deploying virtual machines. Prerequisites ============= Be sure you have a valid portal account (see section :ref:`s-accounts`) and are part of a valid FG project. Log into India ============== The first step is to ssh into india.futuregrid.org using your FG username (Make sure to replace the 'portalname' with your actual FG username):: $ ssh portalname@india.futuregrid.org If this command fails, please revisit the section :ref:`s-accounts`. If it still does not work, please contact via the :portal:`help form `. It likely means one of the following: #. Your account is not yet set up. #. You provided no public key, or a corrupted public key. #. The private key you are using does not match the public key you registered with FutureGrid. System Variable $USER ====================== In the following text we will be using the:: $USER variable to indicate your portalname. This naturally works once you logged into india via ssh. In the following examples you will see in the output the usage of . This text including the < > is to be replaced with your real portalname. Account and Credentials ======================= As noted above, OpenStack credentials and configuration files are automatically created for all valid users, and are placed in your home directory on the India system in the file:: ls .futuregrid/openstack/openstack-essex-$USER-india.zip The credential .zip file contains the user keys and novarc file. The novarc file contains the necessary environment variables. Unzip the credential file:: $ unzip ~/.futuregrid/openstack/openstack-essex-$USER-india.zip -d ~/openstack/essex Load Environment variables:: $ source ~/openstack/essex/novarc .. sidebar:: Hint As both Eucalyptus and OpenStack use the same EC2 environmental variables (i.e. EC2_URL, EC2_ACCESS), using novarc will overwrite previous Eucalyptus credentials. If you have the eucarc file in your home directory, doing a *source eucarc* will bring back those variables and overwrite the OpenStack ones. In this way, you can go back and forth with OpenStack and Eucalyptus. Euca2ools (EC2 client tools) ============================ OpenStack services can be controlled using an EC2 interface (only available for GNU/Linux platforms). In this tutorial, we are going to use the `Euca2ools `__ client installed in India:: $ module load euca2ools A list of Eucalyptus commands can be found on the `Eucalyptus Web Pages `__ Testing Your Setup ================== Use euca-describe-availability-zones to test the setup:: $ euca-describe-availability-zones AVAILABILITYZONE india available List of Common Images ===================== .. todo:: this image does not exist Following are the current images uploaded in essex:: $ euca-describe-images | grep common IMAGE ami-000000b4 common/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.img.manifest.xml available private x86_64 machine aki-000000b3 instance-store VM Types ======== Unfortunately euca2ools does not provide a command to list the flavors, so we simply use the OpenStack nova client to do so. To find out which flavors are available you can use the command:: $ nova flavor-list You will see an output similar to:: +----+-----------+-----------+------+-----------+------+-------+-------------+-----------+-------------+ | ID | Name | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | Is_Public | extra_specs | +----+-----------+-----------+------+-----------+------+-------+-------------+-----------+-------------+ | 1 | m1.tiny | 512 | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1.0 | N/A | {} | | 2 | m1.small | 2048 | 10 | 20 | | 1 | 1.0 | N/A | {} | | 3 | m1.medium | 4096 | 10 | 40 | | 2 | 1.0 | N/A | {} | | 4 | m1.large | 8192 | 20 | 80 | | 4 | 1.0 | N/A | {} | | 5 | m1.xlarge | 16384 | 40 | 160 | | 8 | 1.0 | N/A | {} | +----+-----------+-----------+------+-----------+------+-------+-------------+-----------+-------------+ Key Management ============== Before you instantiate a VM, you need to create at least one key pair. This key pair will be injected into the VM, allowing you to SSH into the instance. This is done using the *euca-add-keypair* command:: $ euca-add-keypair $USER > $USER-key.pem This command will not lead to the expected outcome if a key already exists under your portalname, e.g. $USER. To check this you can either list the keys before you execute the command, or you can simply cat the file:: $ cat $USER-key.pem If you see in this file the text:: KeyPairExists: Key pair already exists. Than a key with the name $USER already exists and you may need to chose a new key, or you can simply use the key you already uploaded. It is also advisable to fix the permissions on the generated private key:: $ chmod 0600 $USER-key.pem Note: Instead of creating a new keypair, you can import a public key created with a third-party tool using *euca-import-keypair*. For instance, if you have your ssh public key in india, you can do the following:: $ euca-import-keypair -f .ssh/id_rsa.pub $USER If the key already exists, you will see an error such as:: KeyPairExists: Key pair already exists. You can add multiple keys, and here's the command to check the list of your keys:: $ euca-describe-keypairs You will see something like this on your screen:: KEYPAIR -key 53:e3:01:c1:70:df:94:ef:59:93:1a:3f:c0:10:a5:34 KEYPAIR key1 07:a5:da:30:b4:55:16:eb:35:54:a2:5a:56:68:f6:cb Image Instantiation =================== At this point, you can start a VM using one of the pre-existing images. You need the ami-id of the image you want to start. This was listed in the output of the *euca-describe-images* command you saw earlier. Use the *euca-run-instances* command to start the VM (use the key name you specified before):: $ euca-run-instances -k $USER -n 1 ami-000000b4 RESERVATION r-gbs9hpmm 461884eef90047fbb4eb9ec92f22a1e3 default INSTANCE i-00000a27 ami-000000b4 server-2599 server-2599 pending 0 m1.small 2012-07-31T14:54:40.000Z unknown zone The output shows the id of your VM, which in this case is i-00000a27. This id will be useful to do operations with your VM. You can also see the status of your VM, which is pending now. You need to wait until the VM is in running status to be able to log into the VM. .. _s-openstack-rename: Rename Server Names =================== Unfortunately, the default use of the euca commands uses the name server- to identify a started instance. This is often not desirable, as many users have similar names and it will be difficult to find your own images when lots of users start images. To fix this, you can however use the nova commands and say:: $ nova rename Server-2599 $USER-2599 Monitoring Instances ==================== You can monitor the status of the instances by using the *euca-describe-instances* command. The public IP is highligthed in yellow; each VM should have one:: $ euca-describe-instances RESERVATION r-xfj0nag8 461884eef90047fbb4eb9ec92f22a1e3 default INSTANCE i-0000090e ami-00000016 server-2318 running clegoues 0 m1.medium 2012-07-24T19:39:21.000Z india aki-00000014 ari-00000015 RESERVATION r-8mwsq0n0 461884eef90047fbb4eb9ec92f22a1e3 default INSTANCE i-000008f2 ami-000000b4 server-2290 running clegoues 0 m1.medium 2012-07-24T02:19:38.000Z india aki-00000014 ari-00000015 INSTANCE i-000008f3 ami-000000b4 server-2291 running clegoues 1 m1.medium 2012-07-24T02:19:38.000Z india aki-00000014 ari-00000015 INSTANCE i-000008f4 ami-000000b4 server-2292 running clegoues 2 m1.medium 2012-07-24T02:19:39.000Z india aki-00000014 ari-00000015 RESERVATION r-p90m3pno 461884eef90047fbb4eb9ec92f22a1e3 default INSTANCE i-000007e2 ami-000000b4 server-2018 running jiaazeng 0 m1.medium 2012-07-15T20:56:16.000Z india aki-00000026 INSTANCE i-000007e3 ami-000000b4 server-2019 running jiaazeng 1 m1.medium 2012-07-15T20:56:17.000Z india aki-00000026 ... You can monitor or restrict the output simply by checking the status of your VM:: $ euca-describe-instances i-00000a27 RESERVATION r-zvtbbj8j default INSTANCE i-00000a27 ami-000000b4 server-1854 server-1854 pending -key 0 m1.small 2012-07-09T15:49:46.000Z unknown zone aki-0000000e ari-0000000f This VM does not have public IP yet. Getting the public IP may take some time, but it is needed to be able to connect to the VM:: $ euca-describe-instances i-00000a27 RESERVATION r-zvtbbj8j default INSTANCE i-00000a27 ami-000000b4 server-1854 running -key 0 m1.small 2012-07-09T15:49:46.000Z unknown zone aki-0000000e ari-0000000f Log into your VM ================ The ssh key that was generated earlier can now be used to log in to the VM. You also need to indicate the public IP associated with your VM (use the key name you have specified before):: $ ssh -i $USER-key.pem ubuntu@ $ ssh ubuntu@ (for imported keys) .. sidebar:: Hint For some ubuntu images, log in with the user *ubuntu,* then *sudo*. Exit from the VM to continue with the tutorial:: $ exit Making a snapshot with nova client ---------------------------------- You can make a snapshot of your instance:: $ nova image-create $ euca-describe-images Your snapshot will be listed at the end of the output, and it will be available in 5 to 10 minutes. There's a bug that snapshots are created as "snapshot" whatever you name it. So please remember the image ID. Nova Volumes (Not available) ============================ Nova-volume provides persistent block storage compatible with Amazon’s Elastic Block Store. The storage in the instances is non-persistent and gets lost when the instance is terminated. Therefore, we need persistent volumes to keep data generated during instance lifetime after the instance is terminated. Volumes are accessed via iSCSI, although they will appear as a new device in your VM. List available Volumes ---------------------- You can see the available volumes by using the *euca-describe-volumes* command:: $ euca-describe-volumes VOLUME vol-00000027 100 india in-use 2012-06-06T21:39:47.000Z ATTACHMENT vol-00000027 i-0000070f /dev/vdc attached VOLUME vol-00000028 50 india available 2012-06-06T21:44:30.000Z VOLUME vol-0000002a 30 india available 2012-06-06T21:45:37.000Z Create a Volume --------------- Create a 1 GB volume in the India zone:: $ euca-create-volume -s 1 -z india VOLUME vol-00000031 1 india creating 2012-07-10T15:15:47.244Z Attach Volume ------------- A volume can only be attached to one instance. Once the volume is attached to a VM, *euca-describe-volumes* will show its status as “attached”. Attach a volume to a running instance:: $ euca-attach-volume -i i-00000a27 -d /dev/vdc vol-0000031 After this command is executed, an additional SCSI disk is created in the instance. Although we specified the device, it may differ if that device already exists (look into */dev* or */var/log/syslog* to find the new device). Using the new Disk ------------------ Log into the VM again (use the key name you specified before):: $ ssh -i $USER-key.pem ubuntu@ Format the disk (skip this step if you want to reuse data stored):: # mkfs /dev/vdc Mount the disk:: # mount /dev/vdc /mnt You now have the new disk mounted in your system. In this way, you can use it as a normal directory to store information. However, the information stored there will be kept after you terminate the VM. Exit from the VM to continue with the tutorial:: # exit Detach Volumes -------------- Volumes are automatically detached when the instance is terminated. To detach a volume:: $ euca-detach-volume vol-00000031 If you detach the volume while the instance is running, and with disk mounted, it loses access to the disk. Thus, you need to make sure that you umount (umount /mnt) the disk before you detach the volume. If you terminate the instance, the volume is automatically detached. Volume Snapshots ================ Snapshots are useful to create backups or replicate volumes in different zones. Create Snapshot --------------- :: $ euca-create-snapshot -d 'Testing snapshot' vol-00000027 SNAPSHOT snap-00000001 vol-00000027 creating 2012-07-16T14:22:21.728Z 0% Testing snapshot List Snapshot ------------- :: $ euca-describe-snapshots SNAPSHOT snap-00000001 vol-00000027 available 2012-07-16T14:22:21.000Z 100% Create Volume from Snapshot (not yet functional in OpenStack Essex) ------------------------------------------------------------------- The snapshot must be in available status (100% completed). The new volume can be bigger if desired, and you can also create this volume in a different zone (*-z* option). To create a 2 GB volume from snapshot:: $ euca-create-volume -s 2 --snapshot snap-00000001 -z india VOLUME vol-00000032 2 snap-00000001 india creating 2012-07-16T14:47:07.916Z Image Registration ================== We will use an CentOS 5 image to test the image registration:: $ wget i120/test-image/centos5.tgz Uncompress and untar the archive:: $ tar xvfz centos5.tgz Bundle the image with a kernel and a ramdisk using the *euca-bundle-image* command. In this example, we will use the KVM kernel already registered. *euca-describe-images* returns the kernel and ramdisk IDs that we need:: $ euca-bundle-image -i centos5.img --kernel aki-0000000e --ramdisk ari-0000000f Checking image Encrypting image Splitting image... Part: centos5.img.part.00 ... Part: centos5.img.part.35 Generating manifest /tmp/centos5.img.manifest.xml Use the generated manifest file to upload the image. You need to specify a bucket name; it can be anything you want:: $ euca-upload-bundle -b $USER-bucket -m /tmp/centos5.img.manifest.xml Checking bucket: -bucket Creating bucket: -bucket Uploading manifest file Uploading part: centos5.img.part.00 ... Uploading part: centos5.img.part.35 Uploaded image as -bucket/centos5.img.manifest.xml Register the upload image:: $ euca-register -bucket/centos5.img.manifest.xml IMAGE ami-00000033 The returned image ID can now be used to start instances with\ *euca-run-instances* as described earlier. However, you cannot run instances until the image is in available status. You can check the status using *euca-describe-images*:: $ euca-describe-instances ami00000033 IMAGE ami-00000033 -bucket/centos5.img.manifest.xml available private x86_64 machine aki-0000000e ari-0000000f instance-store Delete your images ================== :: $ euca-deregister ami-00000033 Terminate your VMs ================== :: $ euca-terminate-instances i-00000a27 Limitations =========== Our current installation has the following limitations. We are working on finding a fix: #. Instances cannot ping their own IP address from within the instance (it is pingable and reachable from the outside). The private IP (which can be found via ifconfig) is pingable:: $ ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr fa:16:3e:00:e5:2a inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::f816:3eff:fe00:e52a/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:199 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:188 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:32213 (32.2 KB) TX bytes:21676 (21.6 KB) lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) #. In Essex, each instance gets an internal DNS name. *euca-describe-instance* will show this name along with the public IP addresses. If you are building a cluster and need to communicate among all the nodes in the cluster, you will need to do so with these names or the private IP addresses:: $ ping server-716 PING server-716.novalocal ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from server-716.novalocal ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=5.06 ms --- server-716.novalocal ping statistics --- 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 5.062/5.062/5.062/0.000 ms ubuntu@server-837:~$ ping server-837 PING server-837.novalocal ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from server-837.novalocal ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.032 ms 64 bytes from server-837.novalocal ( icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.018 ms Troubleshooting ================ Console output will provide you more details about the VM:: $ euca-get-console-output Compatibility between nova and euca2ools commands ====================================================================== We believe that it is better to use the nova commands on OpenStack, but in case you prefer the euca2ools, please go ahead and use them. However make sure you rename your virtual machines with better names as discussed in section :ref:`s-openstack-rename`. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20,40,40 * - Action - nova - euca * - Create a keypair named cloudkey - nova keypair-add cloudkey > cloudkey.pem - euca-add-keypair cloudkey > cloudkey.pem * - List keypairs - nova keypair-list - euca-describe-keypairs * - List images - nova image-list - euca-describe-images * - List sizes - nova flavor-list - Not available * - Start VM - nova boot --flavor --image --key-name - euca-run-instances -t -k ami- * - List VMs - nova list - euca-describe-instances * - Show VM details - nova show - euca-describe-instances i- * - Delete VM - nova delete - euca-terminate-instances i- * - Create Volume - nova volume-create - euca-create-volume -s * - List Volume - nova volume-list - euca-describe-volumes * - Attach Volume - nova volume-attach - euca-attach-volume -i i- -d vol- * - Detach Volume - nova volume-detach - euca-detach-volme vol- * - Allocate IP - nova floating-ip-create - euca-allocate-address * - Associate IP - nova add-floating-ip - euca-associate-address -i i- * - List IPs - nova floation-ip-list - euca-describe-addresses * - Disassociate IP - nova remove-floating-ip - euca-disassociate-address * - Release IP - nova floating-ip-delete - euca-release-address